Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated television show that aired on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008. Its rich world has transcended boundaries of age, race and nationality to become one of the most popular shows of the last two decades. By pulling influences from a variety of Indigenous and Asian cultures, The Last Airbender has inspired numerous spin-offs and continues to draw new fans into its lore, years after its conclusion.

Whether you’ve fallen in love with the show because of its lore, dynamic storytelling or unique characters, you can’t help but feel engaged when watching The Last Airbender. What if you were a water bender, able to bend the oceans themselves to your will? How would you live if a bunch of unruly kids kept breaking your cabbage cart? If you want to know which of The Last Airbender characters you'd be, take this quiz to find out!

Fun Facts

As central as he is to the plot, it’s hard to imagine the show without Zuko. However, he was one of the last characters to be written into The Last Airbender. The writers initially planned for Fire Lord Ozai to be the main antagonist, but they realized he wouldn’t be able to pressure Team Avatar from his throne. This eventually led to the creation of Zuko and one of the greatest redemption arcs in television history.

Another of Avatar’s iconic characters was also quite a bit different in the early phases of the show. Writers originally envisioned Toph as a 16-year-old boy — in fact, the earth bender seen in the intro of the show is Toph’s original design. He was going to be a foil to Sokka, but the writers thought it would be much funnier if the world’s best earthbender was a blind 12-year-old girl. Toph’s original design eventually became two characters: The Boulder and Sud, Roku’s earthbending master.

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Quiz Master


It is our greatest pleasure to have Marcus constructing mind bending quizzes for Quizoto. A lover of all things science, nature and pop culture, he can be found trotting around the most inquisitive parts of the internet. As a kid, Marcus’s family appeared on a tremendously popular game show, and ever since then he’s been hooked on gamified learning. He remembers that his family won many gifts, including a microwave, which back then was a pretty big deal. After graduating from college in San Bernardino, Marcus pursued his passions for creative writing and fortunately for all of us, here he is! Marcus’s quizzes are a lot of fun as he’s able to help you explore parts of your psyche that you were previously unaware of. Sound scary? It is a bit, but you’ll be fine.

How to Play

Quizzes come in many different styles, and this style of quiz aims to match your individual characteristics to the closest possible match.

There is no right answer on this type of quiz, so relax, look inward, and try to choose the answer that most closely relates to you.

Once your responses are all in, we'll tabulate your results, and our algorithms will reveal your closest match. This quiz style is a ton of fun for us to make, and we love it when we get the right result for you!