How Much Do You Know About One Piece? One Piece is an anime series based on a manga by Eiichiro Oda and produced by Toei Animation. The television series follows the adventures of Luffy, a boy who accidentally ate a Devil Fruit that allowed his body to obtain the properties of rubber. Luffy and his crew (the Straw Hat Pirates) explore the world, searching for an ultimate treasure, known as "One Piece." With "One Piece" in hand, Luffy can fulfill his dream of becoming the Pirate King.

One Piece debuted on television in 1999, following an animated film in 1998. Although it was initially available only in Japan, the series has been released to fantastic reviews in countries worldwide. There have been around 1,000 episodes as of 2021, which is a lot of plot and character information to keep up with. Do you think you know everything there is to know about the anime? Take our One Piece quiz to find out!

Fun Facts

Many anime television series' are based on a manga series of the same name. The graphic novel series that One Piece is based on holds a pretty big world record. In 2014, The Guinness Book of World Records recognized One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda for having the "most copies published for the same comic book series by a single author." What's even crazier is that the series is far from over.

There's another fascinating fact about the manga series that the One Piece television series is based on. The ending is already planned out and has been since 2002. Why? Oda originally planned for One Piece to last five short years. Obviously, that didn't happen because One Piece has only recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, and the story is still going strong. When it will end is anybody's guess.

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Quiz Master


This little rascal is a real trail blazer pioneer in the world of online quizzes. She’s got a keen eye for detail and we recommend reading all of the answers on her quizzes before making your selection because you may just find that her detailed quiz answers are pretty on point. Growing up with so many younger siblings, Britney remembers days of playing Teacher where she would give unannounced pop quizzes to her younger brothers and sisters. She’d sit them in their chairs, time their quizzes, and hand out stickers to the winners. Britney reports that the kids that didn’t win would often be answers in her future quizzes, and not in a good way. Watch out for Britney, she’s a bit of a tricky peach.

How to Play

This quiz style has points! The first question will be worth 100 points. If you get it correct, you'll build up your Streak Multiplier to 2X, making your second question worth 200 points.

If you get the next question correct, you'll build up your Streak Multiplier to 3X, making the next question worth 300 points. See if you can get on a 25X streak...there will be a special message for you!

So whether you want to simply know how many you got correct, or you want to build up an impressive points total, Quizoto delivers the results to you in a fun and educational package. Make sure to tell your friends about Quizoto and help spread the word about the Internet's hottest new quiz site!