South Park is one of the longest-running animated shows in television history. The series was based on a pair of animated short films. The first one featured an epic fight between Jesus and Frosty the Snowman. The second featured an epic fight between Jesus and Santa. The show later gave rise to a critically acclaimed movie, a series of video games and a second, unofficial, much less critically acclaimed movie made out of cutscenes from one of the video games.
You may be aware of all the memes and viral clips the series has given rise to. In fact, the show has become such a part of pop culture that even people who’ve never seen the show likely know several quotes from it. If you’re a fan of the series, you may even have wondered which South Park character you're most like. Just take this fun and interesting little quiz we’ve made for you and you'll find out.
Fun Facts
One of the reasons Trey Parker and Matt Stone created the series was as a backlash to the poorly written child characters who are usually seen on television, children who are impossibly nice, mature and intelligent. Parker and Stone wanted to make a show about more realistic child characters, children who are self-centered, greedy, foul-mouthed and kind of crazy. And while nobody would argue that the show’s setting or events are at all realistic, the children certainly do seem to act more like real children do.
Viewers have long tried to read some sort of political or religious message or allegory into the show, usually based on who or what the show spends its time mocking. Parker and Stone, the show’s creators, have denied that there is any particular political or religious intent in their writing, though. Instead, they say that they simply mock people who are too self-important and preachy, whatever their political or religious beliefs happen to be.
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How to Play
Quizzes come in many different styles, and this style of quiz aims to match your individual characteristics to the closest possible match.
There is no right answer on this type of quiz, so relax, look inward, and try to choose the answer that most closely relates to you.
Once your responses are all in, we'll tabulate your results, and our algorithms will reveal your closest match. This quiz style is a ton of fun for us to make, and we love it when we get the right result for you!