Back in 2005, Supernatural premiered as an episodic horror show. Viewers watched each week as Sam and Dean Winchester faced off against a new terrifying creature and found creative ways to win, even with insurmountable odds. They begin the search for their missing father, John Winchester, and discover that a lot of their past has been orchestrated by near-omnipotent beings to bring about the Apocalypse.
As the show progresses, Sam and Dean face off against increasingly dangerous and powerful enemies. The show moves away from its Monster of the Week style and focuses more on finding a way to defeat each season's main antagonist. The Winchesters find allies in their war against evil, including the angel Castiel, the grizzled hunter Bobby Singer, the demon Crowley and the Nephilim Jack Kline. Take the quiz to find out which of these Supernatural characters you are!
Fun Facts
Supernatural was originally written to end after Season 5 when Sam jumped into The Cage with Lucifer and Michael, and Dean went to live the rest of his life with Ben and Lisa. But to the surprise of the show's creator, who didn't know if Supernatural would even make it to Season 5, it ran for 15 years, ending with Episode 320.
A few of the show's long-standing characters actually have substantial musical talent. Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean, has a band named Radio Company, and their song Sounds of Someday was featured in the Season 15 episode, Atomic Monsters. One of Ackles' bandmates makes an appearance in another Season 15 episode, Last Call. Robert Benedict, the actor who plays Chuck, is a member of the band Louden Swain.
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How to Play
Quizzes come in many different styles, and this style of quiz aims to match your individual characteristics to the closest possible match.
There is no right answer on this type of quiz, so relax, look inward, and try to choose the answer that most closely relates to you.
Once your responses are all in, we'll tabulate your results, and our algorithms will reveal your closest match. This quiz style is a ton of fun for us to make, and we love it when we get the right result for you!